International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research (IJMSAR)  is open access, peer-reviewed International journal aiming to communicate high-quality research articles, reviews, case report etc. and general articles in the Medical Science field. IJMSAR is  focuses on critical and creative research & this journal seeks to promote original research and cultivate fruitful dialogues between previous and innovative thoughts.

International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research (IJMSAR) publish articles that encompass all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of medical sciences. The Journal aims to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of medical scholarship, and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between medical scholars and practitioners.

International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research (IJMSAR) provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Medical Sciences LikeMedicine, Dentistry, Orthopedics, Surgery, Health and Hospital management, anesthesiology, biochemistry, gynecology, neurology, clinical psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Public health, Physiotherapy, rehabilitation, Microbiology, Biotechnology, environmental sciences, Paramedical science, Neuroscience And Psychology, Nursing And Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals Science, Plant Sciences,  Anesthesiology  Cardiology, Clinical Research, Dentistry, Dermatology, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Gastroenterology,  Genetics,  Haematology, Healthcare,Immunology  , Infectious Diseases, Medicine, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Nephrology, Neurology, Nursing,Nutrition, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical therapy & Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Radiology, Reproductive Medicine, Toxicology ,Forensic Medicine .


Authors are expected to understand and comply with the principles of publication ethics. The IJMSAR guidance for authors is based on the guidelines relating to ethics in publication developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The COPE and ICMJE guidelines are followed on points not covered in the IJMSCRR guidelines for authors, and they are usually relied upon for resolution of any doubt or dispute.


Article Type:

Editorials:  IJMSAR does not allow direct submission for editorials, which are always  commissioned. They represent views of author(s) and not necessarily of the  editors and the publisher.

Maximum Word Limit: 3200

Research Articles: Papers based on original systematic research using theoretical / philosophical or empirical scientific methodology in any discipline on the issues or subject matter within the scope of the IJMSAR. They include systematic reviews.  Research articles must clearly explain the methodology used, including details  of observance of ethics. If your research involved human subject participation  or personal identifiable data, provide information on ethics review and enclose  a copy of ethics approval by the Research Ethics Committee (REC). If the REC  waived review and any ethics standard or approved verbal consent.

Maximum Word Limit: 7000

Abstract: 300

Tables and figures can be used in the article

Review articles: A review article must present the subject in considerable detail and include the current concepts. We expect authors to have the first-hand experience in the field as evidenced by published papers in the area being reviewed and to have sufficient expertise to critically evaluate the relevant literature.

Tables and figures can be used in the article.

About 3000-4000 words.

Usually upto 50 references. 


 Case Reports: Cases Report an ethics dimension in research, training, teaching and practice of  various healthcare and allied professions. The case studies may be carried with commentaries or round table discussion.

 1)      Up to about 2400 words. Word count may be relaxed if need be.

2)      Usually upto 8 references.

3)      Up to 2 photographs can accompany the report.

4)      For most case reports, we'd expect a maximum of four authors.


Short Communications: Brief communications, expressing opinions on the journal’s areas of interest  and responses to articles published in the journal.

Maximum Words Limit: 800


  1. Statement for submission:

(a) Originality: The submission is an original writing of author(s) and has not been published in, or submitted to other journal(s) for consideration.

(B) Other similar publication(s): If your submission is based on findings of an empirical research and a part of findings were reported in other paper(s) already published, or awaiting publication, provide (i) copy of such publication(s) for scrutiny, and (ii) explanation that the findings used in the submission for the IJMSCRR have not been used in them. Please note that submissions reusing already reported findings make it redundant  and may be declined – see ICMJE

(C) Data sharing: If the submission is based on findings of a primary empirical research conducted by author(s), please state whether and how the anonymised raw data will be shared with anybody interested in them.

  1. Authorship and Author(s) information:The following information must be provided

(a) Eligibility for authorship: Only those who conform to the criteria for authorship as per Section IIA of the 2019 ICMJE recommendations ( may be listed as authors. Listing an ineligible person as author, denial of authorship to an eligible person and use of ghost-authors amount to misconduct that could result in rejection of a submission, or in retraction if already published.

(b) Contribution of each author: Please describe the specific contribution made by each author to the research and preparation of the submission.

(c) Author(s) Details: For each author, the following information is essential

Name(s): Full name of each author and sequence of names (if multiple authors) as they should appear in the publication. The first name must be of the first author.

Corresponding author: In multi-authored submissions, please specify the author who will act as corresponding author. Also provide mailing address of corresponding author.

Affiliation of author(s): If an author is affiliated to an institution, mention not more than two affiliations for each author. Provide full name, address, and website of each institution to which affiliated.

Email ID of author(s): If affiliated to institution, please provide both institutional and personal IDs of each author.

Author(s)’ ORCID iD: We encourage authors to have ORCID registration and provide their ORCID iD.

(d) Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (CoI): Each author must disclose financial and other secondary interests having potential of conflict with the primary interest, i.e., the submission and its content. Please go through the details on the CoI here: ICMJE

Please note that the disclosure of CoI is mandatory. Each author must make an individual disclosure. Wilful non-disclosure of CoI is a misconduct and could result in retraction of a published article. We encourage authors to use the ICMJE disclosure form.

(e) Acknowledgment (of Non-Author contributors): Individuals who have contributed to the submission but are not eligible to be authors may be acknowledged by name (or in group) and for a specific contribution, after obtaining express permission(s). Non-author contributors do not endorse nor are responsible for the content of the submission.

  1. Funding Support:Disclosure of funding support received for the research and/or preparation of the manuscript for submission is essential.
  2. Research ethics and ethics approval:If the submission is based on information/data collected from human participants and/or animals, the methodology section must describe the ethics standards and principles observed in practice. Such submission must be accompanied by a copy of the ethics approval provided by a relevant Research Ethics Committee (REC). If the REC waived review and/or any ethics standard or approved verbal consent, please ensure that they are stated in the approval letter of the EC.Please note that in India the law mandates a prior approval of all health research by an REC. For more information, please see Section 4 of the ICMR Guidelines.



Manuscript submission should contain

  • Title of the submission ( Size - 16 with Times New Roman Script)
  • Author(s)information with their affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and institutional and personal email ids With Corresponding Author information Mandatory 
  • Heading: Size- 12 Times New Roman Script
  • An abstract (as per requirement Content are Shoulde be Times new roman script -11 Size)
  • Main Text of article: Please see word limits (Times New Roman Script-11) 
  • End-Notes and References: 

(a) foot-notes are not allowed,

(b) References should be in the Times New Roman style ( size- 12)  used by the IJMSAR

  • Tables/diagrams/charts/graphs:We do not publish any of them in color, except in the online versions. Please submit them separately as rtf/doc files, and images as jpg files.
  1. Use of inclusive language:

Helpful resources:

United Nations’ Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English: Words Matter: Guidelines for using inclusive language in the workplace (British Columbia Public Service):



  1. Please format manuscripts as rtf/doc/docx in Times New Roman, 12 points. Submissions in PDF format are not acceptable.
  2. Grammar:

o Use UK English.

o Avoid using ampersand and capitals within the sentences.

o Terminology needs to be consistent throughout the manuscript.

o The title and all headings should be in sentence case.

  1. Alignment and spacing: The text should be left aligned with single-line spacing and double spacing between paragraphs.
  2. Subheads: Do not number subheads or put them in capital letters. Please follow a single format. Multiple subheads should be differentiated as follows:

o Article heading: bold regular;

o Subheading: bold regular; and

o Sub-section under subheading: Bold italic.

  1. Endnotes:We do not carry footnotes in the text. Endnotes may be used only where absolutely necessary.
  2. Tables/figures/charts/diagrams: All in total should not exceed the number specified for the section for which the submission is made. If more of them are needed, they will be made available only on the website with links in the submission at the relevant places. In the tables, please provide percentages as well as frequencies. Please note that the words used in them are counted as of the submission and so make tables simple and as small as possible with only required text. Tables should only in exceptional cases exceed one page in size, and must be formatted for submission. All acronyms/abbreviations in the tables/figures must be expanded in full in the notes on the table. Tables and Figures must be numbered 1, 2, 3… (Table 1, 2, 3, …; Figure 1, 2, 3, ….) with self-explanatory titles, and referenced in the text. If tables and figures are obtained or reproduced from third party sources, the authors must ensure that, if required, proper permissions have been taken, and all sources are accurately cited.

For submission reporting findings of an empirical study, the editor/reviewer may request more tables or anonymised raw data or codes used for analysis for further scrutiny.

  1. Referencing:The journal follows the ICMJE’s Uniform Requirements for references. Reference Style and Format: ICMJE (Vancouver) Style is adopted by ASL. Authors should consult References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in parentheses. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in the list of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE, posted by the NLM on the Library’s Web site. Cite electronic references in numbered references following the text, i.e., List of references, financial support.


A note on plagiarism (please read before submission):

"Plagiarism is the use of others' published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property) without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source. The intent and effect of plagiarism is to mislead the reader as to the contributions of the plagiarizer. This applies whether the ideas or words are taken from abstracts, research grant applications, Institutional Review Board applications, or unpublished or published manuscripts in any publication format. Plagiarism is scientific misconduct and should be addressed as such.

Self-plagiarism refers to the practice of an author using portions of their previous writings on the same topic in another of their publications, without specifically citing it formally in quotes. This practice is widespread and sometimes unintentional, as there are only so many ways to say the same thing on many occasions, particularly when writing the methods section of an article. Although this usually violates the copyright that has been assigned to the publisher, there is no consensus as to whether this is a form of scientific misconduct, or how many of one's own words one can sue before it is truly "plagiarism." Probably for this reason self-plagiarism is not regarded in the same light as plagiarism of ideas and words of other individuals. If journals have developed a policy on this matter, it should be clearly stated for authors."

Direct plagiarism is the plagiarism of the text. Mosaic plagiarism is the borrowing of ideas and opinions from an original source and a few verbatim words or phrases without crediting the author. 

Authors can adhere to the following steps to report plagiarism: 

  1. Inform the editor of the journal where a plagiarized article is published.
  2. Send original and plagiarized articles with plagiarized part highlighted.
  3. If evidence of plagiarism is convincing, editor should arrange for a disciplinary meeting.
  4. Editor of the journal where the plagiarized article should communicate with the editor of the journal containing the original article to rectify the matter.
  5. The plagiarist should be asked to provide an explanation.
  6. In case of non response in the stipulated time or an unsatisfactory explanation, the article should be permanently retracted.
  7. Author should be blacklisted and debarred for submitted an article to a particular journal for at least 6 months.
  8. The concerned head of the institution has to be notified.

please visit the link

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Sanskrit words have been avoided where non-controversial English equivalents are available. e.g. ghee for goghrita, honey for madhu, water for jala etc.
  8. Wherever referred to classical texts the name of editor, publisher and page number is provided in the reference also specified in the traditional format locating the section, chapter, and verse or prose number as the case may be.
  9. Wherever referred, the actual verses or prose passages been reproduced as footnote or endnote and the original text been quoted verbatim using roman script with diacritical marks.
  10. The article is written in international English, and I understand the submission to Ancient Science of Life is intended for publication in the journal with international readers and if the article is incomprehensible it would be rejected.


    Copyright :

    Authors retain the copyrights of their work, publishing with  "International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research" (IJMSAR) under the Creative Commons Attribution License. This license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work.

    The copyright of publishing remains with authors and they are free to redistribute manuscript without any restriction. The readers can access these manuscript and frame their research or academic work.

    An individual (e.g. author, reader, reviewer, editor, any other person) can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles or use them for any other lawful purpose.

    Final Proof of the Paper

    One set of page proof (as PDF file) will be sent by email to the corresponding author. This proof is only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correction of the text, tables and figures. Note that, IJMSAR will proceed with the publication of paper, if no response is received within 5 days. 

    1. Editorial decision:Revised submissions may be sent back to the original reviewers for their opinion before the final editorial decision is taken. The IJMSAR editors are responsible for monitoring and ensuring the fairness, comprehensiveness, timeliness and civility of the peer-review process. All final decisions on submissions are made by the Editor. The Forum for Medical Ethics Society, the publisher and owner of the journal, has no role in editorial decision-making.
    2. Article Processing Charge (APC):

      IJMSAR is a self supporting organization and does not receive funding from any government institution/organization. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely financed by the article processing charge of the authors. The processing fee is in order to meet the expenses like ; Online mantance of manuscript, Review of manuscript, Internet Services, Impact factor, and many more. So, in order to get the cost of Publication, the author, Institution or agency pay a modest fee to help cover the actual cost of the essential final step of publication.

      There is no charge for Article submissions but publishing an Article in IJMSAR is required Article processing charges that is very little amount to cover editing, formatting, online website Mantanance, server maintenance, editorial expenses that will be paid by the any one submitting author upon acceptance of the paper.

       The publication fee details for each article published in IJMSAR journal is given below:

      For International Authors. 100 US $

      For Indian Authors 2500/- INR

      Refund Policy
      Once an article has been accepted for publication, any Article Processing Charges on the article become due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charges and IJMSAR will not issue refunds of any kind.

      Waiver of Article Processing Charge

      International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research (IJMSAR) do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work. IJMSAR also maintains a fund to waive the fee for authors in developing parts of the world whose university or institute is unable to pay, or who have not received sufficient financial support from funding agencies.

      We offer a fee waiver on a case-by-case basis for individual authors or author groups from countries in the developing world, but only if the request for a waiver has been done. The request for fee waiver must be done only after submission of the manuscript.

      The corresponding author must submit the following form along with supporting documents (if any)

      Click here to submit online form

    3. Copyediting: Articles accepted for publication may be edited for language, clarity and length. The author(s) will be sent the copyedited manuscript by email for pre-publication approval. At that time, they may also be asked to clarify certain points raised by the copyeditor.Authors are requested to aid the demands of production and respond to the corrected manuscript within five days. Changes to the copyedited manuscript must be restricted to responding to queries and correcting errors. All changes should be in track change mode in the text of the returned file with a new filename.
    4. Publication and author’s access: We try to publish accepted articles ahead of  ‘Online First’ section to reduce delays. However, this is at the Editor’s discretion. Authors in India will be Available only Online Soft Copy as PDF files of all articles will also be available on the website as soon as the article is uploaded, either as Online First or as part of the Bimonthly issue. All articles published in the IJMSAR are available open access on its website
    5. Creative Commons License: The reproduction of material published by IJMSAR is covered by a Creative Commons license – CC-BY Attribution 4.0 For more information, please contact                                                                                                 
    6. Privacy Statement
      The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.