A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisting teaching program on knowledge of good parenting style among mother of under five year children in pediatric ward at Sudesh Multispeciality Hospital,Baharabad (Haridwar).


Mrs.VinitaPandey,Prof. Sonia Sharma,Miss Mansi Mourya


BACKGROUND - Most adults will become parents at some point in their lives (i.e., around 89.6% of theadult population worldwide. Good parenting is crucial because it lays the foundation for a child‟s physical,emotional, and social development. It provides stability, security, and love, which are essential for healthygrowth.Andwhilemostofusstrivetobegreatparents,wemayalsofindourselvesconfusedandfrustratedby the seemingly endless challenges of parenthood.As both parents of toddlers can attest, such challenges areevident across all developmental stages.

OBJECTIVE –Toassess the level of knowledge regarding goodparenting style among mother of under 5 year children. To assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching.Programme on knowledge regarding good parenting style among mother ofunder5 year children. Tofindout association between the pretest level of knowledge and their selected demographic variables.

METHOD -A quasi experimental( onegroup pre- test post-test design ) was adapted and 35 women was selected assample by using purposive sampling technique that was fulfilling the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria .Data collection and analysis were carried out based on theobjectiveson the study.

RESULT-  Result has revealed that in the pre-test that majority of mother in pre-testbelong to moderately adequate group 27(77.1%), 3 mother (8.6%) had adequate knowledge and remaining5(14.3%) mother had in adequate knowledge about parenting style an another have in post-test majority ofmother30(85.7%) shiftedinadequateknowledgecategories,5mother(14.30%)belongstomoderatelyadequate group and no one belongs to in adequate knowledge group about good parenting style at the timepost-test.

CONCLUSION - The study concluded that further interventional researches should be conducted regarding good parenting style to enhance the knowledge.


How to Cite
Mrs.VinitaPandey,Prof. Sonia Sharma,Miss Mansi Mourya. (2024). A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisting teaching program on knowledge of good parenting style among mother of under five year children in pediatric ward at Sudesh Multispeciality Hospital,Baharabad (Haridwar). International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research, 5(06), 1-13. Retrieved from http://scientificpublications.in/index.php/ijmsar/article/view/87