Managing pain and side effects of a Hodgkin lymphoma female patient undergoing Chemotherapy using Yoga Prana Vidya System as complementary medicine: A case report


Vikram Jain, Sonam Bindal, Preet kamal Kaur Bhatia, V S Nanduri,


Introduction: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a curable form of cancer, that occurs most commonly in the 20-34 years age group, in 31% of new cases across all age groups. Several approaches and combinations are used for treatment of HL, and Chemotherapy is one among them.  Some chemotherapy drugs cause painful side effects, and this type of pain can last long after treatment ends. Medicines are often used but cannot effectively relieve pain. This paper presents a case of HL patient healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya protocols without medicines to relieve pain completely and to help accelerated recovery . 

 Methods: This is an in-depth case study method analyzing medical reports and data pre and post healing, and detailed feedback from the patient.

 Results: After 1 1/2 months of healing, the patient experienced great reduction in pain, and also all tumors disappeared.  PET/CT scan report was obtained and a comparison made with previous PET/CT scan, and medical assessment found good metabolic response to treatment. Healing was still being continued, as the doctors advised preventive chemo to continue.

Conclusion: Management of pain and other side effects of chemotherapy have been a matter of major concern of patients and treating medical teams. It is observed from this case report that Yoga Prana Vidya distance healing and self - practice protocols were found effective to relieve pain caused by chemotherapy of a HL patient.  YPV has been known to have successfully healed thousands of patients suffering from various illnesses, when used as complementary and/or alternative medicine without drugs or without touching the patient. There is great scope for further research using YPV with appropriate sample sizes.


How to Cite
Vikram Jain, Sonam Bindal, Preet kamal Kaur Bhatia, V S Nanduri,. (2021). Managing pain and side effects of a Hodgkin lymphoma female patient undergoing Chemotherapy using Yoga Prana Vidya System as complementary medicine: A case report . International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research, 2(05), 5-11. Retrieved from