A Case of Sternal-Foramen-Embryological Background and Clinical Implications
Sternal variations and anomalies have been identified in the past during autopsy or cadaveric studies.
Sternal foramina are a well-known variant anatomy of the sternum with reported prevalence between 4.3 to 6.7%1,2
They carry the risk of life-threatening complications like pneumothorax or even pericardial /cardiac puncture during sternal interventions like marrow aspiration/biopsy/acupuncture
Discussed below, is one such case of sternal foramen, throwing light on its anatomical aspects and clinical implications
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How to Cite
Dr.Mangala.S. (2021). A Case of Sternal-Foramen-Embryological Background and Clinical Implications. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Academic Research, 2(04), 1-3. Retrieved from http://scientificpublications.in/index.php/ijmsar/article/view/22